Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beyond the Tinsel

The presents are wrapped in green, red and white
The trees are adorned in profusion,
And the tinsel shines bright on this Christmas night

But what lies beyond the illusion?

A mother and dad in their middle-class home,
Have tucked their children in bed,
But dad cannot see what's under the tree,
He thinks of another instead.

Not far away in an eight by eight cell
The prisoner awaits to discover his sentence is long
Though he's done no wrong.
He's been blamed for the crime of another.

And shuffling along with his bottle clenched tight
The old man is heard to mutter
Of peace on the earth, good-will to all men
As he slumps in a heap in the gutter.

And a baby is born in a home for girls.
Of course, no-one's expected to bother
With these naughty ones who fight for their sons
Though they'll grow up not knowing their fathers.

Then for a moment the world stands still
And a bright light covers the earth.
And a special love shines down from above
Making all men aware of their worth.

A mother and dad tuck their children in bed
And their love for each other grows stronger.
The pris'ner, though bound, shouts a jubilant sound
For his chains hold him captive no longer.

Up from the gutter with purpose and poise
A new man finds shelter and love.
And a mother smiles at her little child
A blessing of God from above.

Oh wouldn't it be a wonderful thing
If a light would cover the earth?
And a special love shine down from above
Making all men aware of their worth?

But the presents are wrapped in green, red and white
The trees are adorned in profusion
And the tinsel shines bright, distorting the light
Of what lies beyond the illusion

But pretend for a moment the world does stand still
And a bright light covers the earth
And the love that they see, from just you and me,
Makes all men aware of their worth.

Wrap your presents in green, red and white,
And adorn your tree in profusion
But don't let the tinsel distort the truth,
God's love lies beyond the illusion.

Betty MacPherson Johnson, 26 Nov. 1985
Inspired by Rev. R.H. Nicholson and dedicated to his memory.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the ideas that hold this poem together: the individual people and their stories. I want to remember this and perhaps find use for it next Christmas. Thanks, Betty, for sharing it with us.
