Words: Gary Hicks
Tune: “Ash Grove”,
traditional Welsh melody
(“Let All Things Now Living”)
We lift up our voices,
All nature rejoices,
Proclaiming together the
goodness of the Lord.
With glad hearts we bless
Our glad tongues confess
Who ever is faithful,
fulfilling His word.
And Jesus our glory,
His life our sweet story:
God’s mercy come down and
made flesh as a man,
He suffered disgrace,
He died in our place,
Then rose up victorious,
God’s eternal plan.
And on this new morning,
God’s grace is adorning
The pathway before us, for
He is our light.
No matter what sorrow,
We long for tomorrow,
When, free from our
shackles, the faith becomes sight.
Then each tribe and nation,
With all of creation,
Will praise our great Saviour with uplifted hands.
With all of creation,
Will praise our great Saviour with uplifted hands.
As glad voices thunder,
What glory! What wonder!
We’ll break out in singing
and join in the dance.